Here are some more pictures of project work. Over the last two weeks, Tim has taken one of the kids at a time to help him. But on Saturday, we all got to pitch in a little together and take some pics. I wish there were more pictures of the work projects and some of the guys Tim has been working with, but we have been on different parts of the mountain most of the time. Or I've been in town, and he's been at El Monte....I usually have the camera, too. Anyway, we were able to capture a few shots. The kids have had a blast riding the quad and riding all over camp in the backs of the trucks, and they've had a good time helping out when they can. Peter's favorite job was doing dishes at our house! I hope he remembers that at home! :)
I have really struggled here with not having many "jobs" to do....or a specific purpose to accomplish while I'm here. But I've learned that part of the intention was for us to get a feel for what it's like to be a missionary family. I know two weeks is only a tiny taste, but I feel so privileged to have gotten this taste. We have LOVED just hanging out and talking with the families here...the Wilsons, the Somervilles, and the Mitchells (there are other staff families that aren't on site at the moment)...Ezekiel and Carolina....Lisa, G, Josh...and hearing their stories of how they ended up at El Monte. Each one is different, really. I tend to put them on a pedestal and assume that they don't have family issues, or that their kids don't fight, or that they have had a perfectly easy time giving up the comforts or conveniences of home. But of course they have struggles just like I do, and realizing that face to face has broken down some of the intimidation I feel even as a short-termer. I've learned that it's not about courage, bravery, or adventurousness (althought those things help, I'm sure :), but about obedience.
I'm not sure if I'll post again before we get home. Today is Sunday, and in a few minutes we'll leave for church. After church we're going to Cuernavaca to experience the tourist market, which will probably take the rest of the day. Tomorrow, Tim will work and wrap things up at the maintenance shop. The kids and I will clean the house and get packed...say our goodbyes. There is talk about watching the Bears/Packers game at G and Josh's house in town after the Monday night prayer meeting? We'll see if we can get everything packed before then! :) We have to leave before the crack of dawn Tuesday morning to catch the bus in Cuernavaca to Mexico City..then fly home.
One thing I'm anxious to blog about when I have more time to think is the people here. I haven't taken too many pictures around town because it really isn't appropriate. But I would like to give you a picture of what life in Ticuman is more on that later...
specific prayer requests...
-for Tim to wrap up his work and hopefully help map out some plans for upcoming projects
-for a group of men from Ticuman who come to El Monte to work every day... On Wednesdays, they are offered to spend their last hour on the clock with Ed Somerville in Bible study
-for safe travels home
Thanks for checking in.....we'll see you soon!
Love, Teri
T, I've loved reading your blog during your time in Mexico and can't wait to get more once you get home and settled (oh how I hate unpacking) (and packing, for that matter). Love you and praying for a safe journey home. D